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I believe Cerakote is the best gun coating on the market and this page will explain why. For additional information please vsit the Cerakote Firearms Coatings Website.

Cerakote Corrosion Resistance

Salt Spray (ASTM B117) Corrosion testing is used to evaluate the relative corrosion resistance of coated panels exposed to a salt spray or fog at an elevated temperature. Coated panels are placed in an enclosed salt spray chamber at a 15-30 degree angle and subjected to a continuous indirect spray of a neutral (ph 6.5-7.2) salt water solution. The chamber/cabinet is kept at an operating temperature of 95F and fogging a 5% salt solution at the required 12mllhr. Cerakote™ H-146 Graphite Black panels were checked for corrosion at specific intervals of 45, 160, 255, 385, 675, 850, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 3500 hours. At 3500 hours Cerakote™ H-146 was not corroded. This study shows that Cerakote™ preserves the life of a firearm in a corrosive environment longer than any competitive coatings.

Cerakote Abrasion Resistance

Taber Abrasion is a test using a weighted abrasive wheel that rotates at a constant speed to determine the resistance of finishes to abrasion and wear, as stated by test standard ASTM D4060. 7 competitive finishes including Cerakote™ H-146 Graphite Black were tested in accordance with ASTM D4060. Each finish was tested three separate times in order to validate the test result. Panel weights and mil thickness were measured prior to the start of each test to determine a wear rating. A 1000 gram weight was placed on a CS-17 Taber Abrasion wheels as required by ASTM testing standards for testing finishes. Panels were cycled until the Taber wheel wore through the finish to the steel substrate. Finishes that required more than 500 cycles to wear through to the substrate were stopped every 500 cycles for the Taber abrasion wheels to be cleaned. Cleaning the Taber wheels every 500 cycles is a requirement to ensure accurate results. Once the Taber wheel has breached the finish, the Taber abrader is stopped and a final weight is taken to determine the wear rating for each finish. Wear ratings are calculated by taking the weight of the test panel before abrasion and subtracting the weight of the test panel after abrasion and multiplying that by 1,000. That number is then divided by the number of cycles completed before the finish was worn through. The resulting number is the specified wear rating for that finish. Based on ASTM testing standard D4060, Cerakote™ Finished Strong by lasting nearly twice as long as the nearest competitive finish and 24 times as long as the furthest competitive finish.

Cerakote Durability Resistance

Impact Resistance (ASTM D2794) measures the resistance of organic coatings to the effects of rapid deformation (impact). Impact resistance is measured by placing a coated panel in a universal impact tester. A standard weight is dropped a distance to strike an indenter that deforms the coatings and the substrate. The indentation can be either an intrusion or an extrusion. By gradually increasing the distance the weight drops. (1 inch at a time) the point at which failure occurs can be determined by cracking or delimitation of the coating. Cerakote™ H-146 Graphite Black was tested to have an impact strength measuring 160 inch-lbs which is the maximum the impact tester, can measure.

Cerakote Hardness Resistance

Hardness, or Pencil Hardness (ASTM D3363), is measured by using different grades of pencil lead to cut through a coating surface. To conduct this test, a coated panel is placed on a flat, horizontal surface. A weighted trolley with the hardest pencil lead (9h) is placed on the panel and pushed away from the operator. The length of the stroke should be about 6.5 mm. This process is repeated until a lead is found that will not cut through the coating to the metal for a distance of at least 3 mm (this is the pencil hardness rating). This process is then repeated until a lead is found that will not cut nor scratch the coating (this is the scratch hardness rating). Cerakote™ H-146 Graphite Black finished strong with a 9h hardness rating, the highest hardness rating that can be achieved.


Cerakote Flexibility Resistance

Flexibility, or Mandrel Bend (ASTM D522), testing is measured by placing a coated panel in a conical Mandrel apparatus and bending the coated test panel over a conical shaped mandrel in order to assess the elastically or resistance of a coating to cracking, elongation and/or detachment from the metal test panel in accordance with ASTM D522. The conical shape of the bending area allows the deformation of the test panel and examination of the elasticity range of a coating over any diameter between 3.1 mm and 38 mm in one single test. Cerakote™ H-146 Graphite Black was tested in accordance with ASTM D522 and exhibited excellent flexibility and no signs of cracking, elongation or detachment from the steel panel.


Cerakote Chemical Resistance

The ability of Cerakote™ H-146 to resist chemical attack was tested by dipping coated panels into a series of solvents to which the coating may be exposed during regular use and extreme conditions. The panels were placed in the solution and allowed to sit for 24 hours. Afterward, the samples were removed, analyzed and assigned a rank depending on the resistance to each specific chemical. The results of this test are shown in the table below. The performance of Cerakote™ H-146 was classified as excellent for 14 of the solvent tests. This indicates that the coating was not affected following a 24•hour immersion in the solvents. The coating also showed good resistance to HCI and experienced only a slight change in texture after 24 hour immersion.

Cerakote Adhesion Resistance

Adhesion (ASTM 03359), is a test method to analyze whether a coating has adhered to metal substrate. Cerakote™ H-146 was applied to a set of steel panels and a crosshatch patter is made though the coating to the substrate Pressure-sensitive tape is applied over the crosshatch cut and then the tape is smoothed into place over the area of the incisions. The tape is then removed by pulling it off rapidly back over itself as close to an angle of 1800 and the adhesion of the coating to the steel is assessed on a 08 to 58 scale (shown). Cerakote™ H-146 Finished Strong with a 58 adhesion rating, the highest adhesion rating possible.


So now you know why I believe that Cerakote™ is the best choice for firearms coating.
Never forget your 2nd Amendment rights: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.